We at The Forge accept all speculative fiction: including fantasy, science-fiction, historical fantasy/science-fiction, horror, and fantasy/science-fiction romance, drama, and mystery. We accept pieces of poetry, flash fiction, microfiction, and short stories.

All writing and illustrations must be sent to through this link: https://https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfEQ0kep3ejUgkkMBm3xiQ2tbhc3wzfbqbpV0Qy_wrBBeTZzg/viewform?usp=sf_link

The response to your sent works will vary depending on our submission pool size.

Our submission guidelines are as follows:

Submission Guidelines:

We encourage all writers to submit, regardless of prominence in the literary scene. We are mostly looking to include writers who are students and alumni from George Mason University, but we will always accept good writing, no matter the place it comes from.

We accept multiple submissions per issue, though we ask you to wait until you receive feedback on your first submission before resubmitting. We accept simultaneous submissions, but if you are accepted elsewhere while your submission is pending, or if your piece has been published elsewhere, please let us know when and where you will be/are published.

After a response to your first submission, feel free to re-submit your piece or change the style of your submission.

We ask that writers keep gore, profanity, and explicit sexual behavior to a minimum. It also must serve the story in a thematic/exciting way.

Our written submissions are to be submitted in 12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced.

Below are the specifications for each writing style and illustration for each submission.

Written Submission Guidelines:

–          No fan fiction.

–          No A.I. submissions.

–          Short story submissions must be no more than 6,000 words.

–          Flash fiction must be no more than 1,000 words.

–          Poems must be no more than 750 words.


Art Submission Guidelines:

–          All art must be science fiction, fantasy, or in a subgenre related to these.

–          No fan art.

–          No A.I. submissions.

–          For full-page submissions, they will be on 8.5” x 11” paper/pages. However, these will have limited slots. Most of our submissions will take up a quarter to half of a page.